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13 Movie Reviews

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That was half a minute of my life that I'll never get back, so, to make the best of it, I'll write a review! I don't know much about heroscape, but I found this movie strangely amusing, maybe it was the contorted hands or the way that freakish head said: "Hot lava death" and combusted. If you'd make a whole series of vignettes about heroscape jokes like that, it wouldn't be half bad. As it stands, it's admittedly not the greatest thing on NG.

ChilliDog responds:

Hey thanks alot! I love reviews with substance. I'm actually working on getting a bunch of heroscape shorts together. It's a great game, btw. Thanks a lot for the review and your comments. They've been taken into consideration :D

"Cute...too cute"

Y'know, this reminds me of hello kitty, but... I guess it's hello doggie?
I like the animation style and the sound. I'd really like to see another episode or maybe the whole series. Keep it up!

Mediocre in a humerous sort of way :P

This movie is a funny and great summary of almost all aspects of any JRPG. Packed full of witty lines, incredibly annoying and ovedramatic sound effects (not a bad thing in this case), horrid graphics (also not a bad thing) and sheer randomness. This could have been more cohesive and could have more jokes milked out of it, yet... at the same time I find it lovable. It might have been too straightforward, try adding some background humour as well with some more specific parodies. Overallishly well done.

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